Wednesday, February 4, 2009

will work for food

in class, yeah i do think a lot in my other classes, so one thing i need that i didn't talk about too much is that i need girls to be the "victims" in my piece, not trying to be sexist he is a serial so he kills one kind of thing/it would be impossible to project male and female on the same mannequin. sooo anyone that wants to be a model for it let me know here or via email(you get all the fun of being bound up, idk i guess some people are into that.), there is gonna be a particular size requirement once i find a mannequin because the pictures will looked weird if i have to resize them, for right now all i need is like head shots of like walking down the street or what not for the killers room.

1 comment:

  1. Mitch,
    You really do need to be careful with this subject matter. Why don't we meet and discuss it further?

